Dr. Kelly Page
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Chief Innovation Officer at Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy//Founder & Curator of LWYL Studio
Dr. Kelly Page is the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), and founder of the social design studio, Live What You Love, LLC and the social initiative, Grateful4Her. She also serves as a team lead consultant for the Arts and Business Council (A&BC) of Chicago.
A social and digital innovator, entrepreneur, ethnographer, educator and learning consultant, and research fellow, Kelly has a PhD in the Psychology of Web Knowledge and an obsession with social digital storytelling. She has over 18 years experience working at the intersection of social innovation, social design and learning of mediated social experiences for Startups, Universities, Schools and School Districts, to Fortune 500 companies. She believes that at the heart of social innovation and entrepreneurship is creating truly social cultures, brands, and leaders.
Her work has been published in leading peer-reviewed academic business, education and technology journals, such as Journal of Business Research, Studies in Higher Education, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Psychology & Marketing, Behavior & Information Technology …. and been featured in The New York Times, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal. Her work has received awards from IDMA and a BIMA – Best in British Digital. Kelly is regularly invited to speak on topics such as Social Leadership, The Art of Social Media and Women in Business, Technology and Leadership. A member of the TEDx community, Kelly has served as social media consultant and speaker coach for TEDx. She has also spoken at TEDx, Ignite and Pecha Kucha, locally and internationally and opened TedxCardiff with her talk: “Rediscovering Friendship.”
Working from Chicago, Kelly has delivered workshops, colloquia, talks & creative projects in Wales, England, Scotland, France, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Canada, Australia & the USA.