Mastermind Program Enrollment Payment Plan


Creative Women’s Co. Mastermind with Gabrielle Valdes & Ari Krzyzek
A 6-Month Guided Mastermind Experience for Your Personal & Professional Growth

Full details on the program here.

TRACK 1: HUSTLER & RISE UP This is for you if you’re …
A professional looking to for support in developing your side hustle ideas, creating balance for your work and passion, and crafting the plan you need to make your side hustle profitable.

Track Leader 1:
GABRIELLE VALDES, Boundaries Coach
Gabrielle Valdes helps 9-to5’ers create boundaries around work, love and alcohol. She works with clients who are overwhelmed by “shoulds” and leaky boundaries. Gabby’s one-on-one coaching program supports clients as they shift from overwhelm to living a grounded and intentional life. Gabby brings her experiences as an educator, project manager, and M.Ed in behavioral analysis to her coaching relationships.

TRACK 2: ENTREPRENEURS This is for you if you’re …
A business owner or entrepreneur who is in your first three years of business. You’re looking to find support and brainstorm ideas for your current business challenges. You also want to put your growth plan in place and find strategies to help you achieve your next goals in business.

Track Leader 2:
ARI KRZYZEK, Creative Director & Chief Designer of Chykalophia and Founder of Creative Women’s Co.
Co-founder, creative director and chief designer of Chykalophia, Ari Krzyzek helps women-led businesses build proper brand foundations, strong communities, and lasting relationships that propel their business forward. Additionally, she founded Creative Women’s Co., serving as design consultant, mentor and professional peer in support of fellow female entrepreneurs.

Sold By: Creative Women's Co.


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