Dannie Fountain
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Authentic Results-Focused Marketing Expert for Millennials// Strategist, Author, Educator
I’m a marketing and business strategist for creative entrepreneurs and businesses ready for change. I started my career working in marketing for brands like Whirlpool and HR Block and today I work in sales and marketing for Google. When I’m not at work, I am collaborating with entrepreneurs and corporate clients alike to brainstorm, strategize, and implement strategic plans and processes to better their business and increase their sales.
I’m also a multipassionate human (who isn’t?). Beyond working in marketing and strategy, I’m an author, educator, and digital nomad. I wrote three books – The Side Hustle Gal, The Bucketlist Babe, and One Honest Woman – and co-wrote a fourth, Big Plan for the Creative Mind. I also create and present workshops and talks on marketing, PR, and leadership, speaking to audiences of 10-5,000+ around the globe. My work has been recognized by Forbes, Business Insider, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, Girlboss, Hello Giggles, PRNews, and more.
I’m involved in the entrepreneurial community too, because that’s the only way to understand how we can improve. I currently serve as a mentor at 1871, Chicago’s Technology & Entrepreneurship Center and a member of the Advisory Board of Creative Women’s Co.