CWC Chicago: Creative Brunch March 2016

Apr 12, 2016Events

Digital information has been shared constantly around the internet through social media. We have seen these powers across many posts that has gotten hundreds of Facebook’s Like thumbs, or yet another cat video that went viral out of the blue. As an entrepreneur, we constantly dive in into many of these social media channels to share our insights, thoughts process or even our behind the scenes photos. This gave us a reason to talk more about Social Media and share tips on them for our March creative brunch event in Chicago.

Our Chicago co-host Jacqueline Marie of Tweaked Style gave us an intro to social media. We then split our presentation on how to effectively engage with your audience. We talked about a lot of insightful tips from how to utilize Facebook Page inbox messaging to give a personal touch for every new likes you get on your Facebook Page to leveraging your online profile on LinkedIn to help you get the collaboration and opportunities that you want.

We also shared a cheat sheet social media activity to jot down a quick recap on WHO, WHAT and HOW for each social media platform. Everyone has different experience on using their social media account for their businesses. It was a great learning and sharing opportunity for everyone plus the intimate event gave everyone a chance to get each other really quick and connect right away.

Missed the event but still want to checkout our presentation and cheat sheet? Here’s the link to download our social media statistics presentation from this event.

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