Design Thinking is a powerful tool to ease uncertainty and navigate transitions. So why don’t apply it to our lives? Our guest speaker, Pilu Sanchez, shared her insights about some of the most common assumptions that get us stuck. At the event in EvolveHer last month, we did some exercise together to help the attendees understand where they are now and how they can design a way forward for their life.
One thing that really struck us at the event was when Pilu said, when you’re in doubt, F%*& your passion. You will need to reframe your mindset and create your own design thinking and designing your life first before you can follow your passion. That was
Many of us left the event with tools to reframe our challenges in the future by using a design thinker mindset that Pilu had shared with us.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Pilu Sanchez faced a huge stuck moment when she moved from Madrid to Chicago. She used design thinking and creativity to get herself unstuck. She couldn’t find a master’s program that fit her so she designed her own way to educate herself. She attended workshops, talks, and meetups; She experimented with side projects; She built a community of social impact creatives and collaborated with entrepreneurs, small business, and companies; Pilu shared her learnings through talks and workshops; and deepened her knowledge of design strategy, social impact, and the future of work. And helped postgraduate students at Experience Institute do the same thing. Pilu believes that design and creativity are the keys to living a happier life. She designs experiences and programs that help people lead, work and live better.
The conversations we had at the event flow consistently with everyone asking questions and giving ideas to one another. At the end of the event, we all got a chance to network with other creative women who came and continuing our conversations online on our Facebook group. Did you