When you’ve become a freelancer, entrepreneur or a solo business owner, don’t you just wish that you can meet other creative women business owners like yourself to bounce some ideas or even just to meet new people and grow your network? Well, you are in luck because we just launched Creative Women’s Conversations over at meetup.com.

So, what is Creative Women’s Conversations?

It’s a place for creative women to come together in a safe environment to help each other learn and grow over a brunch. Each event will be limited up to 10 creative women so we can have a quality feedback and more intimate environment to get to know one another.

Doesn’t that sound fun? Plus the conversation doesn’t stop at the event! We’ll invite you to join our closed Facebook Group so we can still get connected and send updates on your business or even self development.

What are you waiting for? I would love to see you at the brunch. Make sure to register at our Creative Women’s Conversations meetup group to keep yourself updated on the upcoming brunch.