The first time I get connected with Isabelle was through a Facebook Group. I was asking the group if there are any women entrepreneurs in Chicago. Isabelle was mentioned and soon we got connected.

When Isabelle and I chat more over Skype, I was impressed with her story travelling across the globe and finally decided to stay here in Chicago for a bit to help women business owners to live their dream, be ok with their fear and move forward with their goals. I’m excited to share her interview for Creative Women’s Co. blog today.

Summarize your life in a few sentences

My life is a conscious self-expressed version of my desires. From traveling, to speaking, to teaching, to creating artwork – it’s all an extension of my singularity story.

What’s your background?

My background is a muddled one of Romanian communist revolutionaries and escapism. German-born, politically refugee statuses, a former digital nomad with an American Passport. Involved with the tech space since 2008 from blogging, to filmmaking, to writing, to national campaigns, to digital million dollar launches, to workshops in Paris on becoming an entrepreneur. A background of survival is a great foundation for thriving.

How did you start your business?

On impulse. I liked blogging, and I liked collecting stories. From Jason Silva, to Ashley Farrand, to the Vlogrbothers it’s been an amazing journey of discovering what drives humans to become and manifest the stories of their life.

What inspired you as a creative woman?

Pain. Escape. Light. My artwork is my best when I let myself feel all of my raw emotions. I invite my clients to also feel everything. Because as women – especially empathic sensitive women it is our gift to feel a range of human emotions. Freedom and consciousness inspire me. I have a daily spiritual practice that keeps me conscious and present as much as I humanly can.

What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made on your job or on your business, and how did you get through it?

Not charging enough. Playing the stories game – money was a story. But when I first began I did things for free and then someone offered me $800 for my first film gig. As a 16 year old $800 was a lot! So I went to work. I then signed up for business courses and learned about copy, and digital nomadding, and lifestyle design and I began charging very little because of my lack of knowledge on how powerful people’s money stories are.

If you won a lottery today, will you still continue to build your business?

Absolutely – It would just speed up the process. I’m enjoying the journey. I will be a singularity storyteller for the rest of my life. I know my gift is storytelling and connecting, everything else I want others to shine.

Walk us through your day as an artist and singularity storytelling consultant …

I wake up at 5:55 am and get on my group meditation call with people from all over the world.
I journal and do artwork for 15-30 minutes releasing anything that is holding me back from radically conscious self-expression.
Usually breakfast involves tea.
I make a big pot for my digital client tea times usually 4 a day – Tuesday-Thursday
Then in the evening I make more artwork, declutter, or go to a museum/lecture/networking event.

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?

Going through and surviving the process of being a political refugee. Discovering that I get to consciously create my story. Building a business that allows me 100% freedom in time, expression, and lifestyle. Co-founding an NGO in China that brings together a cross-cultural education. I’m still pretty proud that at 18 I was able to be a consultant at this huge corporate office and wear my skinny jeans and punk boots to discuss hackathons.

Where or what do you think you will be/do in the next 5 years?

I’m going to be back in Europe with my physical agency. I love the digital space, and am feeling pulled into offline space. I’ll be teaching classes, running conscious tea and storytelling ceremonies with companies. I’ll continue to exhibit artwork internationally.

Share a quote/advice that you’d like to tell the 25-year-old you

Enjoy the process. Make the process your own. Be unapologetic. You owe no one anything.